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How to resolve conflicts, grow and achieve objectives

Effective communication

Communication problems prevent us from resolving conflicts, growing and ultimately achieving our objectives. At Bid Group One we know how to find that point in common with the interlocutors. We need to anticipate objections: not even with the best message from the public will we have the public 100 percent in favor. Empathy and intelligence. And action.

Corporate communication

It is the set of actions through which an organization communicates with its different audiences, whether they are its customers, the general public or its suppliers, shareholders or other public or private organizations. Its main objective is to improve the company’s reputation by highlighting its benefits and competitive advantages.

Different leaderships
Continuous and constant meetings
Highlight the value of our team.
Enrich views and perceptions
Consistency: internal and external messages.
Brand loyalty


Adapting to change is key in these times of maximum uncertainty. Constant innovation, growth and competition. Organizations that evolve and achieve goals have solid and motivating leadership, a team involved in the process, distributed tasks and those expectations that generate internal illusion and external charm.

Change management is essential: structures, strategies, resources, operations, technology and company culture. And an indispensable tool: flexibility.
Innovation is paramount. It acts as a single fuel. Like an energy that is contagious.


Any business that seeks replicable development and growth needs a business strategy. Depending on the evolution and scale of the business, the strategy will require a level of attention and resources, including time.

A business strategy is the method of controlling and improving a business. It has general goals and more specific goals, detailing both the appropriate departments and people.

The strategy matters because it helps to detect unforeseen events and difficulties, before it is too late. The leaders of the most successful organizations value strategy: for stability and purpose. And it reaches all areas, not just organization, management and logistics.

With a business strategy there is a greater capacity to solve problems, and the brand identity is clearer: goals, service and product, a differentiating element compared to the competition.
To market the company, there is the business or competitive strategy, and includes marketing, campaigns, analysis of the state of the market and the companies of the competition.
And for the organizational structure of the staff, from roles to salaries, the functional strategy remains.

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